If you love filling in your calendar, but can’t because of Covid19, this word’s for you.
There is a peace that transcends our human understanding of the times in which we live.
During this critical time, God wants you to recognize His still small voice amidst all the noise and fear bombarding you.
The Lord is calling us to love our adult children back into relationship.
Where to go when you find yourself in unfamiliar territory in 2020.
God’s abundant grace is unmerited, unconditional and available to everyone.
As we turn back our clocks to end daylight savings time, use this as an opportunity to look at your life with purpose and understand the season you’re in.
Tuning out the noise that takes us off our path.
"Dump to Destiny" explores another aspect of seeing beyond your present circumstances into your future. Go from the limits of the dump into your destiny by receiving new life in your heart, mind and spirit.
A look at the spiritual aspect of moving past your present into your future.
Pursuing God's best requires us to reach higher and go deeper.
Getting free from emotional pain starts by shifting your focus.
God is ready to move on your behalf.
When you want to isolate yourself, withdraw with purpose instead.
The One who came to set prisoners free.
The choice that leads to loving God, listening to His voice and holding fast to Him.
Shut down the distractions and pursue intimacy with God.
The circular paths we find ourselves on have a higher purpose.